Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Top ten revolutionary tales

Pauline Melville is the author of two story collections, Shape-Shifter (1990) and The Migration of Ghosts (1998), and the novels The Ventriloquist's Tale (1997) and Eating Air (2009).

For the Guardian she named a top ten list of revolutionary tales. Her inspiration:
"At a time when bankers have danced back to the top of the heap and are thumbing their noses at us once again, I thought it might cheer the population to read about people who have tried in different ways to overthrow the system. It's good to be reminded that not everyone submits."
One novel on the list:
Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik

Boredom and dissatisfaction with a consumerist lifestyle leads to the formation of a fight club. The fight club culture spreads culminating in violent nihilist attacks on corporate America.
Read about another novel on Melville's list.

--Marshal Zeringue