Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Seven notable one percenters from film & fiction

"They used to be called robber barons. Now we call them one percenters," writes novelist Alan Glynn at The Daily Beast. "They’re the preposterously rich, and they got that way by casually crushing the hopes and dreams of the little guy. For each one of them, there are 99 of us, but that doesn’t matter—because they have all the moolah and they control everything."

Glynn tagged seven of the more infamous one percenters in film and fiction.

One entry on his list:
Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol (1843) may well be the first One Percenter. But if you’re not convinced, read Jim Lacey’s robust defense of this shrewd “man of business” in the National Review – though be warned, Lacey does criticize the “enlightened” Scrooge for donating most of his fortune to the poor, thereby severely limiting his ability to create new jobs and further stimulate the economy.
Read about another robber baron on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue